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About us

The Left Youth of Finland is a political youth organization and a civic organization. Its core values are socialism, democracy, feminism, red-green environmentalism and internationalism. These goals are not considered to be separate, but rather form a comprehensive view of a freer, more humane and more equal world.

Our mission is is to support the development of young people to become active political operators. The Left Youth of Finland believes that politics take place everywhere, not merely within the official structures of representation.  Thus, the organization supports labour struggles, civil disobedience and other direct action as a part of the process of making the world a better place.

We operate on the streets and in the cabinets: our methods range from demonstrations, events, and campaigns to long-term influencing in different non-governmental organizations and networks, in the labour union movement, and in the public sphere. We also organize training and camps, at which members receive societal knowledge, spend time together, and meet new people. We influence politics on the municipal, national, and international levels.

The organization was founded in 1944 under the name Finland’s Democratic Youth League (SDNL, Suomen demokraattinen nuorisoliitto). The name ”The Left Youth of Finland” was introduced in 1998. Our nine regional districts consist of approximately 3500 members all around Finland. The highest authority is wielded by the general assembly, which is held every other year. In between general assemblies, the board, which consists of members from all regional districts, is in charge of the operation and politics of the organization. In addition to the chairperson, six employees work at the organization’s headquarters, which are located in Helsinki. Regional districts have their respective employees. Furthermore, any member can take action in our various divisions and working groups.

Person between 13 and 30 years of age who has either a Finnish citizenship or lives in Finland is eligible for the membership of The Left Youth. People who are under 15 years need a permission from their parent. People over 30 years of age are eligible for supportive membership.

Contact information

Vasemmistonuoret / The Left Youth of Finland
Lintulahdenkatu 10, 2nd floor
FIN-00500 Helsinki, Finland

Tel +358 45 348 5499