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Declaration of Principles


The Left Youth is a political youth organization. Our actions are guided by an ideological foundation of ecological, democratic, feminist and international socialism. This serves as the foundation for our goal of a society based on justice, liberty, equality, education and solidarity.

The ideologies of the Left Youth.


The foundational principle of the Left Youth is socialism. We understand socialism as an economic, political and an ethical system. The democratization of economic decision-making and the shared ownership of the means of production are the foundations of socialism. Its goal is to bring about an economic system where the continuous accumulation of capital, the oppression of the non-owning class, and the rule of markets over democratic mechanisms are no longer possible. Socialism is not a ready-made model of a perfect society, but a process that is realized through democratic and societal experimentation.


The socialism of the Left Youth is ecosocialism. The ecological crisis is the most severe threat currently facing humanity. These crises are primarily caused by a capitalist system directed at the maximizing of economic growth and profits – thus they will not be solved with more capitalism. All political action must take these crises into consideration and strive toward a political and economic system which is compatible with the carrying capacity of the Earth and capable of minimizing the damage caused by the current crisis. The transition into this system must happen in a socially just manner. This means that those whose actions have most exacerbated the crisis must also bear the most responsibility in solving them. The Left Youth disavows an anthropocentric worldview and recognizes the inherent value of nature independent of any benefit it produces for humans. Ecological sustainability and just treatment of all things living must lay as the very foundations of society.


The socialism of the Left Youth is feminist and intersectional. All people are equal regardless of their personal characteristics. Despite this, our current societal structures restrict the equality and freedom of individuals and create unjust hierarchies. The Left Youth strives towards the abolishment of oppressive structures, norms and hierarchies. Our goal is a world where no-one is oppressed or discriminated against based on their gender, sexuality, ethnicity, skin color, disability, health, class or any other personal characteristic.


The socialism of the Left Youth is based on democracy. Power must not be concentrated in the hands of the few; instead, decision-making should be in the hands of all. The pursuit of democracy is not limited to parliamentarianism – we call for more democracy in all areas of society. This also means increasing democracy in the workplace, i.e. transferring decision-making power from the owners to the workers. Alongside representative democracy, forms of direct and participatory democracy must be introduced. Decision-making is brought close to the people and conducted at a level most appropriate for each decision. To ensure democratic and inclusive decision-making, the information available must be as transparent as possible.


The socialism of the Left Youth is internationalist. People are equal regardless of their place of birth, and everyone has an equal right to pursue a good life. One of the most central tendencies of capitalism has been to use imperialist, nationalist and racist policies to make states and groups of people compete against each other. We are building a world which is not defined through nationalities, cultures, religions and other differences between groups of people, but through the equality of all humankind. Our goal is a world without borders and nation-states. We are against war, but we recognize that there are conditions in which the oppressed have to take up arms in order to gain their freedom.

The values of the Left Youth


A just society is based on the principle “from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.” In a just world, resources and wealth are distributed equally and each person has an equal opportunity to pursue a good life. Justice also means that those who create and maintain unjust structures do their part in dismantling them.


The individual’s freedom and opportunity for self-fulfillment is a central objective in left-wing politics. Leftist freedom is not just freedom from constraints and coercion, but also the freedom to do things, and be one’s self, as long as this freedom does not impede the freedom of others. Freedom means the real opportunity to act, not just the lack of impediments, and society must support this opportunity where necessary.


All humans are born free and equal in their value and rights. Human dignity exists irrespective of time and place, and cannot be taken away by any individual, institution or authority. Its basis is shared humanity. The norms, laws, and operation of society must sustain, protect and advance the equality of all its members.


Everyone has an equal right to the knowledge, culture and know-how produced by humankind. Every person has the right to pursue knowledge and learn skills, and that right cannot be dependent on class or personal characteristics. Education and learning have intrinsic value, and are not merely a tool to create more economically efficient individuals and societies. Education for us does not only mean scientific knowledge, but also skills, experience, understanding, interpersonal skills, and the ability to apply what has been learned.


Solidarity is inclusion and mutual care, in which everyone has the right and responsibility to develop and improve society. Solidarity is not charity, where the privileged take pity on those who they keep underprivileged out of their supposed goodwill. Solidarity means recognizing humanity in one another and helping in the spirit of comradery.